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Natuknica: Earle, John
Svezak: 5
Stranica: 537
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Earle, John

EARLE, John, * Elston 29. I. 1824, † Oxford 31. I. 1903, englezki filolog. Nauke je svršio u Oxfordu, gdje je 1876 postao sveučilištni profesor za staroenglezki jezik (Anglo-Saxon). Iz toga područja napisao je mnogo stručnih djela i priručnika.

BIBL.: Gloucester Fragments (1861), Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel (1865), A Book for the Beginner in Anglo-Saxon (1877), English Plant Names from the Tenth to the Fifteenth Century (1880), Anglo-Saxon Literature (1884), English Prose: its Elements, History and Usage (1890), The Psalter of 1539: a Landmark in English Literature (1894), A Simple Grammar of English Now in Use (1897), The Alfred Jewel (1901).R. F.